Monday, 12 December 2011

Ten reasons why the last week of the autumn term is fabulous

It’s my favourite time of year. This week is set to be the best week of the school year. Here is why. They’re not in order because some things just can’t be put in order of preference.

1. Christmas lunch Every year I get the black forest gateau and every year it’s disgusting, but somehow Christmas lunch is still wonderful
2. Christmas assembly The head of music playing Jingle Bells in the style of Handel, year 7s in reindeer headdresses, the Twelve Days of Christmas NLCS-style . . .
3. Secret Santa More chocolate than you can possibly eat shoved into your pigeon hole. What’s not to love?
4. Less homework The teachers have basically given up by now, which is good, because so have we (a long time ago).
5. Shorter week Last day of school is Thursday. Major excitement.
6. Half day on Thursday And after school on Thursday I’m going to Winter Wonderland in Hyde Park with friends, which is a delightful prospect.
7. Food in every lesson Tis the season for putting on weight, so we have biscuits, chocolate and cake in every class.
8. Christmas decorations Most classrooms are decorated at least semi-festively with a paper chain or too. We used to go all out with Christmas fairies with our faces on them.
9. Games in lessons In Latin we had a quiz on Ancient Rome (which my team just happened to win) and in Classics we played “What would Cicero do on a blind date?” Brilliant.
10. Auld Lang Syne Holding hands in the last assembly and singing really loudly. Nothing beats it.

This post definitely makes me look like a massive Christmas fanatic. I’m not. It’s just fun to get into at school. Honestly.

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